A common problem associated with mechanical low back pain is a tight weak psoas muscle. I’m finding it more and more common for my patients to have at least heard of this muscle. The psoas is a deep muscle that
Back pain and digestive problems – can these be linked?
Dr. Paul Hodges, a leader in spinal research, reports 75% of low back pain(BP) patients have gastrointestinal (GI) problems such as heartburn and constipation. On a a clinical note, respiratory problems and pelvic floor problems such as incontinence were also
A Stubborn Tennis Elbow Problem?
Let’s just jump right in by saying perhaps this is not just an elbow problem. In diagnosing, I like to approach a problem, usually pain, by asking why is it there. For tennis elbow, aka lateral epicondylitis, the pain is
Corrective Exercise Work Shop – Back to Basics
The weekly workshop really is about ‘the basics’ when referring to posture. It is from a good support base that we move most efficiently from. That is for example, to run well we need great support. A way to look